The Imani Kenya Mission, Part 1
Part 1 of our Mission is to match bright and deserving graduating 8th graders who would not otherwise be able to attend high school, and potentially college, with financial sponsors and local mentors.
In this photo taken in 2015, from left to right, we meet Sheila, Kellen, Mercy, Brenda and Faith. These were the first 5 students in the Imani Scholars program, a group we call the Charter Class. Only through sponsorships have these girls been able to attend high school. Completing high school is a major milestone in the lives of Kenya’s young people, and some will go on to higher education, while others may go directly into the workforce.
The Imani Kenya Mission, Part 2
Part 2 of our Mission is and to empower communities through economic development projects that will allow families to send their own children on to higher education.
Members of our 2018 mission team are seen visiting with residents from Thuura, which is a community about 15 miles outside of the city of Meru. At that point in time, the Thuura Water Project was well underway, but the Thuura Coffee Project was still a pipe dream! Now, a couple of years later, Thuura has running water for residential use and for irrigation. They now also have a few thousand coffee plants on their way to bearing fruit.